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Facebook for ClickBank: How to Choose the Best Offers and Niches for Facebook Advertising


all right guys now i'm gonna create mypage it's really simple go tofacebook.pages.createuh no i mean space slashpages slash creationi'm gonna leave a link below just tomake it easier for you to create thatpage all you have to do is to give it aname choose a category and put a simpledescription now you'll have to putadd a logoandabackgroundnow i have createdjust created onereally quickhealth and fitness prosuh you don't have to create a usernameit doesn't matter just add a logoto itin order to have a logo just go on i'mgonna pick the weight loss niche uh foryou uh on this example but this is thesame process for any uh niche that youchoose to advertise onuh now you just pick any logos rightthere free logosand then for the backslash of thebackground just go on pixabay i'm goingto leave a link below uh these thiswebsite gives you freeuhwhat royalty free images that you arefree to use without any copyrightproblems sothis is where i get everything uh anyimages i needso now my pages createis created so nowone thing that is really importantis thatumonce you created you have created yourpage you have to be consistently puttinga post on yourpage why becauseuh you are uhshowing to facebook that this is a realbusiness that is trying touh advertise on their network so a realbusiness will postuh regularly on their facebook page sofor the first five daysandthe uh you will have to post at leastfive times a day on youron your fan page now after five days you can post only three times a daythis is the easiest way to lower yourcost per clickcost per click and this way you'll beprofitable if you have the lowest costper click possiblemany people's are making the samemistakes they just create their facebookpage and then they start immediately toadvertise on facebook this is the numberone mistake that you can make becausefacebook will tag you as an advertiseruh with experience that probably iscoming back on facebook with a newfacebook profile and they are trying toadvertiseon our uh ononon the facebook networkeven if they had their facebook adaccount banned beforedisabled before so any uh experiencedadvertiser will know all these steps andthey will start to post uh create adsright away you don't want toflag your account uh in the beginningyou want tobe natural create postevery day and then after five daysyou can start toadvertise and on the next video i'mgoing to show you exactly what type ofads you should create firstin order to look naturaland get your cost per click as low aspossiblenext thing you want toavoid is to send people out of facebookyou don't want to send peoplewith include any links into the fivepostsuh you are posting every day postsnow where will you findcontent to post five times a day reallysimple all you have to do is to go overon google and type something like weightloss tips now you have feature snippetsjust like this one i'm going to copythisand i'm going to go back on my pageand i'm going to create a postnow here26 i'm not going to post all the i'm just going tomodify thisreally simpleandyou can number them instead of puttinga dash in front of these you can put onetwo eightit's up to youbut i'm glad i'm going to put an imageto thiswith health tipsthat's it you have your face your firstpostnowif you don't want to take uh informationjust like this on google it's up to youcan go on easing magazineuh they have uh really nice magazinesuh i meanreally nice artiklesorryand the other options i'm going to leavea comment uh in the description below aswell the link to this page but you canalso get a free plr about weight lossand take any content from this plr andjust post it on your facebook pagethat's it so you can as welluh take umcontent from other pages and just shareit on your page but i would suggest youto at least have three of original postsfrom you and then share maybe two postsfrom someone elsenow the third tips i'm gonna give you isreally importantthis will avoid yourfacebook page to be flagged as notcompliance to facebook rules soare you readyi hope you're ready so the third tipsnow i'm going to say it i'm not jokingthe tip tips is don't make any claims atall on your facebook postswhen i'm sayingclaims it uh i'm toking about somethinglikeloseuh 25 pounds in only three days withthis uh strategy i'm going to show youdon't say anything like this don'tpromise anything on your facebook pagethis will avoid your facebook page toget banned so i'm gonna recapdon't post every day for five days fiveposts a weekfor five posts a day and after the fivedays just post only three timessecond tipsdon't put any links to send people outof facebookthird tips don't do any claims at all ifyou follow these three stepsyour facebook page will be compliant andit will help you to have the lowest costper clicks possiblei hope you've liked this video pleasegive it a thumbs up if you have anycomments pleasesend any question in the comments belowi would love to answer any questions anddon't forget to subscribe and hit thatnotification bell on the next video i'mgoing to show you exactly how to createyour facebook manager which is the nextstep all right until next timetake action guys this is the only way tobe successfulyou

facebook for clickbank


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